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Escola Americana 50th Anniversary Reunion
June 21-23, 2024 , Washington D.C.
Dear Fellow EA Alums,
Hoping this finds you all well and good, healthy, and happy and enjoying whatever season you're in!
As hard as it is to comprehend this, we are a year away from the 50th Anniversary for the class of ‘74. We know you will all be saying, that's impossible….why just look at us, we look like 30 somethings and feel young and vital and feel full of vigor and love of life! Well, that might be but believe it or not we walked down the aisle and sat on the stage at EA on June 25th, 1974!
A small group of us have been discussing and hatching a plan for a 50th Reunion. We decided to do this as close to the date of our actual graduation date as possible. We (Tom Mackell, Susie Creane, Brian Paren, and David Bell, and Paul Wheeler) were the initial group behind this initiative, but we've spoken to a dozen or so of our fellow alums who all agreed it would be a great idea. EA was such a unique and exceptional experience and our time in Rio shaped us in so many ways.
Social media and zoom have opened up the world and many more of us are connected now, which has been a wonderful thing. The likelihood that we could hold a 75th anniversary and much less recognize anyone seems a distant possibility. We decided to have a 50th in 2024 and we hope you will try your very best to be there!
After careful consideration of a lot of different destinations, we decided that Washington, D.C. seemed to be the most convenient spot to host it. Largely because we already hosted one there and know the lay of the land, and the facilities, restaurants, and activities, so we figured why fix it if it wasn't broken. And…we have a number of people in the DC area who will be on hand to coordinate the reunion. The reunion is planned for the weekend of June 21st - 22nd - 23rd, a Friday through Sunday event. Activities and events to be determined, but we will certainly have a big welcoming party as well as several dinners including a big genuine Brazilian dinner on Saturday. There are tons of easy and fun things to do in the Washington area, museums, biking, walking tours, spas, plenty of restaurants, even a chance to picket or demonstrate peacefully!!!
While the 50th refers to the class of 1974, we welcome all other classes to attend and participate, thereby making it a multi-year reunion. The more the merrier!
We hope you will consider joining, bringing spouses or family members. Save this date on your calendar. We will have a website in place where people can sign up and get more information as the date approaches.
We truly hope we can get many of our amazing alums to get back together for another celebração e festa! We also hope you will pass the word to any alumni you are in touch with to get the word out. We could also use volunteers to help with some of the logistics and arrangements, so please let us know if we can call on you to help.
Susie Creane | Tom Mackell | Brian Paren | David Bell | Paul Wheeler